Kay’s February Blog

Little Farmers

The calendar keeps on clocking by and as the first signs of spring appear, we like many other farmers are getting ready for lambing. Our ewes came into the shed around two weeks ago and we are steadily increasing their feed as the lambs grow so much during the last four weeks. The ewes thankfully, are looking overall in really good condition and we’ve done all the necessary vaccinations, so we are keeping everything crossed for a good result. Good hygiene is paramount at lambing time, so we’ve also been busy getting all the necessary cleaning solutions, iodines and disinfectants to give the lambs the best possible chance of not picking up any infections and of course getting all the cameras up, so we can keep a watch through the night! Lambing night time shifts have been negotiated and agreed, so I think we are about ready!!

At this time of year, we are also getting ready for the Shire Horse showing season ahead with the first event of the year, the National Show held in Stafford the second weekend of March. The horses get flu jabs, new shoes put on and lots of washing and grooming and showing practice ready for the ring. On top of that, our first mare is also due to foal early March as well, so its going to be a very busy time.

One special moment at the National Show will be when Dad receives the inaugural award for the Breeder of the Year for 2024. During the showing season, points are awarded to pure-bred shires that are placed first, second or third in classes at shows throughout the season and we were very excited to learn that we were the winners last year. Dad is also stepping down from being Chairman of the Shire Horse Society National Council, something he has down for many many years, representing the breeders brilliantly, so overall it will be quite a big day!!

Back in the shop, we are facing significant rises in raw material costs and labour costs, so sadly whilst we try to keep them to a minimum, it will inevitably mean some increases in our prices. We continue to work hard to reduce any unnecessary overhead costs at the same time as looking what we can do to improve our offer for you. One opportunity we are actively exploring is a new Loyalty scheme to be used through an app on your phone…more details of that to come over the next couple of months. We are also looking at putting on more events and our first ones of the season are a Lambing Open weekend on 15th & 16th March and Animal Encounters and easter crafts day on Saturday 12th March. I hope to see you there!!

Kay x

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