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Belvoir Mulled Winter Punch 750ml
A non-alcoholic punch made with a blend of cranberry, blackcurrant and orange with extracts of cinnamon and nutmeg. A rich spicy fruit drink, delicious served warm. Ideal as a non-alcoholic winter punch, gently warm in a pan and serve or serve in a mug and microwave for a lovely winter warmer.
Ingredients: Water, Cranberry Juice from concentrate (16%), Sugar, Blackcurrant Juice from concentrate, Orange Juice from concentrate (2%), Lime Juice, Cinnamon Extract, Nutmeg Extract.
Nutritional Information (Typical Values per 100ml): Energy 194kj/46kcal, Carbohydrate 11.4 grams of which 11.0g sugars. Negligible amounts of fat, saturates, protein and salt.