New Year Blog Post

2020 has certainly been a year of huge adaptation and a focus on what matters the most to us. Constant change can be difficult, but we’ve been continually inspired by our teams over the recent months and how they’ve risen to the challenge. One silver lining of the challenging year we’ve had is that it has inspired us to focus on that question of what matters most and importantly what are we going to do about it.  Our answer to those questions have been like many others to focus on our families, our teams and our customers safety, but that word ‘family’ matters the most. We want the Croots team and our community of customers and suppliers to feel like they are part of one big family and that we always look after each other. We want Croots to feel like it’s a place for all the family to visit and its our aim to create an inspiring and positive experience all around local and homemade fresh foods for everyone to enjoy.

So we have lots of plans for the year ahead. We’ve started the year with a brand new ‘look and feel’ for the front of the shop and we’ve invested in new fridges that are more environmentally friendly and new lighting to show our fresh products off better. We are working on a new look for the café when it eventually reopens and have started some new plans to further develop the outside areas too. We have lots of ideas for new products, in the Butchery, bakery and deli areas and are looking at new spring gifting ranges as well. Meanwhile, we are focusing on keeping everyone safe with our continuation of the ‘no contact’ click and collect service and we are looking at how we can offer more home deliveries whilst we are still in lockdown.

The farm is still keeping us busy as well, especially with the terrible weather we are having at the moment. We have some new lambs and foals due in the Spring so that is definitely something to look forward to and we’ve been lucky enough to get a Countryside Stewardship grant to help us towards repairing some of the hedges and fences on the farm this year too.

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